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- InControl Fresh Start | Patient & Surface Wipes
- Continence Management
Infection Control
- Clinell | Body & Surface Wipes
- InControl Cuff First | Gloves
- InControl Essentials | Gloves
- InControl Fresh Start | Patient & Surface Wipes
- InControl SmartGuard | Curtains
- InControl Quik Guard | Surgical Masks
- SaniSystem Pulp Disposables
- InControl Disposable Bed Linen
- Clean Sleep Wipeclean Pillows
- Patient Care Bags
- Fluid Absorption Products
- Pre-Op Body Washing
- Nex Medical | Antiseptic Brushe/Sponges
- Clinell | Easy Clean Keyboards
Operating Theatre
- Flexislide | Patient Transfer Sheets
- Surgical Mats
- Mediwrap Patient Warming
- Fluid Absorption Products
- Clinell Antimicrobial Range
- InControl SmartGuard | Curtains
- InControl Cuff First | Gloves
- InControl Essentials | Gloves
- InControl Fresh Start | Patient & Surface Wipes
- Nex Medical | Antiseptic Brush/Sponges
- Nex Surgical | Skin Prep
- Pre-Op Body Washing
- Bojin Portable X-Ray Fluoroscopy Instrument
- Surgical
- Intravenous
- Patient Cleansing & Care
- Patient Transfer
- Wound Care
- Family Planning / Maternity
- Emergency / Rescue
- Hand Hygiene/Protection
- Mobile Information Systems
- Sanitary Waste Systems
- Diagnostics
- General Medical
- Inventory Management Systems
- Surgical
Operating Theatre
- Flexislide | Patient Transfer Sheets
- Mediwrap Patient Warming
- InControl SmartGuard | Curtains
- InControl Cuff First | Gloves
- InControl Essentials | Gloves
- InControl Fresh Start | Patient & Surface Wipes
- Nex Medical Antiseptic Brush/Sponges
- Pre-Op Body Washing
- Bojin Portable X-Ray Fluoroscopy Instrument
- Intravenous
- Patient Transfer
Infection Control
- Clinell Antimicrobial Range
- InControl Cuff First | Gloves
- InControl Essentials | Gloves
- InControl Fresh Start | Patient & Surface Wipes
- InControl SmartGuard | Curtains
- InControl Quik Guard | Surgical Masks
- Fluid Absorption Products
- Nex Medical Antiseptic | Brush/Sponges
- Pre-Op Body Washing
- Clinell | Easy Clean Keyboards
- Wound Care
Infection Control
- Clinell Antimicrobial Range
- InControl Cuff First | Gloves
- InControl Essentials | Gloves
- InControl Fresh Start | Patient & Surface Wipes
- InControl SmartGuard | Curtains
- InControl Quik Guard | Surgical Masks
- Sani-Systems Pulp Disposables
- InControl Disposable Bed Linen
- Disposable Tourniquets
- Patient Care Bags
- Fluid Absorption Products
- Pre-Op Body Washing
- Clinell | Easy Clean Keyboards
- Patient Transfer
- Intravenous
- Patient Cleansing & Care
- Wound Care
- Hand Hygiene/Protection
- Family Planning / Maternity
Continence Management
- iD Range
- AMD Range
- Environment
- Emergency/Rescue
- Diagnostics
Infection Control
Continence Management
- iD Range
- AMD Range
- Environment
Infection Control
- Clinell Breakthrough Antimicrobial Products
- InControl Cuff First | Gloves
- InControl Quik-Guard Essentials | Gloves
- InControl Fresh Start | Patient & Surface Wipes
- InControl SmartGuard | Curtains
- InControl Quik Guard | Surgical Masks
- Sani-System Pulp Disposables
- Patient Care Bags
- Fluid Absorption Products
- Disposable Tourniquets
- Sanitary Waste Systems
- Patient Cleansing & Care
- Emergency / Rescue
- Patient Transfer
Continence Management

Soft strong hygienic disposable flannels - can be used as a vehicle for transferring moisturisers to sensitive delicate skin, such as babies and the elderly. The InControl Fresh Start Dry Wipes high wet strength wipes that are designed for all types of skin and also as a general cleaning wipe, they can be used as a flannel when showering and bathing and also for perineal cleaning in between continence pad changes. Our wipes selection combines superior hygiene efficiency with genuine user and patient care benefits.